Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hydrangea Planting

When Jacqueline and I first started working on our yard two years ago, we decided to start with a Gardenia and a couple Camellias. Jacqueline loves the smell of gardenias, and I love the way the old south Camellias look, with their mature, stout trunks. Since then, one of the two camellias died, the gardenia died, and the camellia we expected to die actually lived. No idea what happened.

We chose the old Gardenia location at the front of our house for two new Glory Blue Hydrangeas - 1 gallon pots. Location is just off our porch, about 10 to 12 feet from 4 large hardwoods. I'm worried about them, I know the roots suck a ton of nutrients. Not much we can do though, as our yard is covered in trees. The spot should be good for light, as the sun lands there during the morning, and from midday on, the trees provide shade. After breaking up the top 4 inches of soil, I spread out a big mound of half soil condition, half manure. We planted the root balls so they were even with the surface, and then watered. I hope we can get these guys to last.

Any tips on hydrangeas?

1 comment:

  1. Hydrangea was our wedding flower. Only tip I can provide is that they absorb water from their top better than through the stem. If they appear wilted, spray some water on top.

    Pebble learned this the hard way. She threw some of the wilted flowers outside. It rained, and they looked beautiful. The ones she put in vases just got worse.
