Wednesday, February 23, 2011

March is coming!

March is nearly here (again) and I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. Home depot says to trim back our rose bushes to outward facing blooms. What blooms? That reminds me, our roses haven't grown any larger in the 2 years we've had them, despite adding rose dust.

Atleast our Camelias finally made it through the year. Our big favorite is even bigger still, and the two new ones we added look healthy and ready to grow.

We lost 2 Azaleas due to heat, direct sun, and poor soil last summer. Going to have to replace them this year.

My big goals this year:
Turn the front yard into a big island
Find an excuse to plant a crape myrtle
Plant some of that ornamental grass I like - miscanthus something. Its all over the area.
Add a stepping stone walkway to the front door, and put in some creeping stuff in between.

Happy March!